Thursday 11 September 2008

and now for something completely different...

...okay, not really: today i spent the day, um, drawing and painting. BUT a much better day than yesterday - suddenly everyone was in a giddy pre-weekend good mood, the painting went a bit better, and i think we are all looking forward to moving on to some new stuff next week. i got my requisite exercise - an hour walking around the lake at lunch time - and got the first half of my grocery shopping done at the mini farmer's market (the heavy stuff and the staples; the fun things i will get tomorrow when we go to thouars mmmm cheese. there is also an olive vendor there that i might need to inspect more closely. and i will have to test and make sure that the apricot tartes at the bakery stall have not dropped in quality). i was also full of painting beans when i got back from class, so i got a bit more done on king charles; i will try and post pics tomorrow in thouars.
red (and pink) wine in the downstairs flat w/ the crew after dinner - it is crush season, so wine has gone from extremely cheap to ludicrously cheap; at the shopi they are practically paying customers to take it away. i will have to relax my no-shopi policy for wine, i think. the border between nutrition and recreation is blurry here in any case.
i am fretting about the elections: i hope my absentee ballot arrives in time, although i can't imagine obama will not win california. if i am out of the country anyway, can i register myself to a swing state like ohio? i will be really fucking depressed if mccain wins, to the point that i might not come home. i wonder if i could get a job here. teaching english? hula dancing? there must be something. perhaps i could work as an art class model... oh, but it's getting colder. don't want to do anything that involves fewer layers of thermals. :)
time for bed- friends don't let friends drink and blog, and i try to be a good friend to myself, so time for beddybyes pour moi, especially since i have got to be up in le matin to catch le bus.
g'night to tout le monde...

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