Monday 15 December 2008

my brain hurts

and my eyeballs. just got back from palm drive. scary patient with scarred-up back from prior surgery and likely bacterial meningitis, made worse by a spectacularly unhelpful ICU consultant. but Dr. J. (normally infuriating ER doctor) did the spinal tap for me, for which i promise i will never ever be rude about him ever again, at least until the next time i get cross at him. if i can get through the next three days without killing someone, i will count that as a triumph. (my hospitalist week lasts three more days, plus three clinics and a 12 hour ER shift. wednesday night at midnight i will be a free woman, with nothing to do but pick my nose, think about food for christmas, work on my van eyck rip-off, and go running.
i made marzipan this afternoon. to make marzipan my way, first you make a pan of burnt sugar, filling the kitchen with thick grey smoke, and THEN you make something that sort of looked like marzipan but which is a little bit too dry, so then you slosh in some amaretto, which may contribute to subsequent texture problems (too sticky), but definitely does excellent things for the taste. delicious, slightly funny looking (i don't think i ground the almonds fine enough), but good enough for cake decorating. then i cleaned the house (it looks terrific, if i do say so myself), and then i went to M's house to play a board game (some variation of victory points, building things, trading in money/wood/coal/cattle/bricks/steel/ships... they all sort of start to run together after a while) and then out to sebastopol in the pouring rain to go see scary patients with meningismus and fevers up to 103 F. and now back, having showered to get the meningitis bugaboos off of myself, and into bed. i think tonight might be a harry potter night to get myself to sleep. i hate scary hospital stuff. it makes me feel totally impotent. blech.

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