Monday 16 January 2012

Day one and a half in Kaohsiung

Three a.m. - baby & babydaddy are still asleep, babydaddy having virtuously resisted a nap yesterday and baby having been a complete party animal for pretty much the entire day except for when I was Evil Mother and strapped her into her tent and forced her to sleep for two hours because I was afraid of the consequences otherwise. Party Animal Baby I can deal with, ThermoNuclear Baby I cannot. Wild inlaws are coping with ThermoNuclear Toddler currently in the bedroom next door, and it’s Ugly with a capital Ugh. We’ll see how much longer baby & babydaddy stay asleep for.
With respect to Mr. Wordsworth and his definition of poetry, I am realizing that (for me, at least), blogging is gluttony recollected in insomnia. Yesterday was pretty much straight eating, which is great except for I don’t remember the official name of a single thing I put in my mouth, so future biographers are going to have to do sorme fairly tedious cross referencing with Taiwanese street food cookbooks.
“Breakfast” (it’s in quotation marks because it was actually about three meals rolled into one): pork bun thingies, fried donut sandwich thingies, egg scallion wrap thingies, tofu soupy thingy, black sesame thingy, peanut fluffy thingy.
Lunch (eaten wandering around the nightmarket; please automatically add “thingy” to the end of all descriptions to connote the variety of shapes, sizes, and textures): chicken blood sausage, pork blood rolled in cilantro and possibly corn meal (favourite savoury thing I think so far), tofu squares, tomatoes on a stick and glazed in hard candy (totally delicious), strawberries on a stick and glazed in hard candy (the most orgasmic dessert I may have ever experienced).
Dinner (eaten at a restaurant where aunt Banquo (I am not making this up. She is actually called that. For all I know there’s another aunt called Lady Macbeth; stand by and I will update as I find out) took us near the night market): chicken/shitake/rice, cabbage in mystery sauce, beef tendon noodle soup, jellified pork, egg rolls, scalding soybean curds in light syrup (total comfort food).
Dessert (eaten once we got back home): Eight Wonder Ice (ha! I DID remember the name of one thing): Sno-Cone consistency ice with syrup & black beans & mystery fruit & mystery gelatin balls. (yummy).

Ok time to head back to bed & give sleeping another try. ThermoNuclear Toddler next door has been downgraded to Sniffing Repentant Toddler hurrah. Love to all…

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