Wednesday 8 January 2014

My favourite ICD-9 codes

In honour of the recentish publication of the ICD-10 manual of medical diagnosis codes, here is a random assortment of truly delightful ICD-9 codes, with thanks to several friends and colleagues who contributed discoveries of their own. (The best part about it is how difficult it can sometimes be to find the code for something straightforward, like shoulder pain, which is listed somewhat obscurely as "pain in joint - shoulder".) Anyway. Happy 2014 to everyone.

V45.75 - Acquired absence of genitals
993.0 - Airplane ear
291.5 - Alcoholic jealousy
365.83 - Aqueous misdirection
293.889 - Alice in Wonderland syndrome
704.2 - Bamboo hair
278.2 - Beery baby syndrome
030.3 - Borderline leprosy
133.8 - Cheese itch
V49.89 - Condition influencing health, not elsewhere classified 
V19.7 - Consanguinity (it's a medical condition to be related to someone?)
788.37 - Continuous leakage
061 - Dandy fever
874.9 - Decapitation
307.52 - Depraved appetite 
074.1 - Devil's grip
110.3 - Dhobie's itch (I have no idea what this is, but it sounds horrible)
104.0 - Dichuchwa (ditto)
307.52 - Dirt-eating child
360.29 Disorganized globe
759.4 Double monster
388.41 Double disharmonic hearing
785.3 - Dullness
085.0 - Dum-dum fever
078.82 - Epidemic vomiting
E884.4 (but please note that EACH of these has its own subcode) - Fall from...
   ...commode not elsewhere classified
  ...playground equipment
   ...passenger train
You can also fall into or on things, viz: Fall...
   ...into hole
   ...into other hole (I love this)
   ...into storm drain
   ...into well
   ...on escalator
   ...on level not elsewhere classified
   ...on level (pushed)
   ...on level (tripped)
   ...on sidewalk curb
   ...on stair or step not elsewhere classified
  ...striking object
   ...striking sharp object
and in case you can't find your specific fall on the list, there is always "Fall Not Otherwise Specified."
638.6 Failed attempted abortion with soap embolism
990 Radioactive fallout
309.0 Fanatic personality
E914. Foreign body entering eye
E915 Foreign body entering other orifice
300.20 Fear
317 Feeble-minded
681.01 Felon
253.4 Fertile eunuch
491.1 Fetid bronchitis
E891.3 Fire in building
E892 Fire not in building
302.84 Flagellantism
798.9 Found dead
009.2 Gay bowel syndrome
102.3 Ghoul hand
098.2 Gleet (??!)
381.20 Glue ear syndrome
783.6 Gluttony
592.9 Gravel
704.3 Grayness of hair
985.1 Haff disease (as in, "I em seek. I haff disease")
935.2 Hairball in stomach
Hairless woman syndrome
529.3 Hairy black tongue
065.1 Omsk hemorrhagic fever
652.65 Hidden penis
E902.0 High altitude residency
E805.5 Hit by rolling stock
E805 Hit by train- employee
E805.2 Hit by train - pedestrian
E805.1 Hit by train - passenger
E805.3 Hit by train - ped cyclist
E805.8 Hit by train - person not elsewhere classified
756.89 Hood
301.51 Hospital addiction syndrome
994.2 Hunger
300.11 Hysterical deafness or blindness
285.9 - Impoverished blood
798.1 Instantaneous death
046.72 - Fatal familial insomnia
309.89 - Homesickness
300.13 - Hysterical dream state
607.89 - Induratio penis plastic
504 - Monday morning dyspnea
085.1 - Oriental sore
528.5- Painful lips
691.0 Psoriasiform napkin eruption
298.2 - Reactive confusion
529.5 - Scrotal tongue
333.91 - Stiff man syndrome
579.3 - Tachyalimentation (eating too fast...)
757.4 - Wooly hair, woolly

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