Saturday, 6 December 2008

red velvet cupcakes = bad idea disguised as good idea

ER shift last night until midnight; I am a ravenous food-hoover when I am in the ER, especially when it is late towards the end of my shift and I have been running around for twelve hours without time for a proper meal. I had two cupcakes, and oh, oh, oh I am paying the price in intestinal unhappiness now. Luckily it meant I was semi-awake anyway when the lab called with a critical bilirubin level on one of my babybabies - drawn YESTERDAY MORNING and they call me at 5 a.m. ?!? this morning - who is going to have to come in to the hospital to get light therapy. blech. i am waiting to call the mum until seven, as i decided that the scariness rating of a phone call from a doctor about your kid at 5 in the morning is a 10 out of 10, whereas a 7 a.m. call is probably only a 7 out of 10 but not significantly more likely to result in medical complications.
M. is coming over in an hour or so so that we can take the tandem for its official inaugural ride; i hope it gets warmer out this morning than yesterday morning. my nipples might actually fall off if i had to go outside in skimpy bike-riding attire now, if the temperature inside my house is anything to judge by (i am currently wearing two layers of polar fleece and a duvet). then a choir board meeting (not looking forward to that. will be first contact w/ choir since coming back from france, since we have had two cancelled rehearsals, and there will be mega-planning to do for this germany trippy deal), then another ER shift tonight, and then down to la cite to see A. in the morning - sunday breakfast at tartine... ooh la la - followed (hopefully, although i have not had confirmation) by lovely lazy hangout day wif moy li'l sistah.
all my paintings from france are now stretched and looking slightly more like proper paintings; a few of them had unpainted canvas around the edges, so i did a little touch-up job on them two evenings ago, thinking that early evening light and the lights on in the kitchen would be fine, fine, fine to see what i was doing. of course i got up the next morning and thought, oh DEAR, the colourblind painting pixies came in the night and were painting around the edges of my paintings... it's amazing how hard it is to colour match exactly if it's not northern-facing natural light at high noon (in the sahara at the summer solstice, etc.). will try again today during the day. i have yet to make a start on painting the van eyck arnolfini double portrait; that painting is definitely more of a nemesis at this point, after my abortive semi-attempt in acrylics this summer, than an eagerly anticipated sensory delight. eh bien. time to go call a patient and sit on the loo for a bit.

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