Friday 1 January 2010

new years' rezzies

Here's my list, most of which i came up with last night while sitting at the grove waiting for the meeps, but i added some more this morning when the sunrise woke me up (happy 2010 everyone!):
1. repaint my kitchen, including kitchen cabinets and trim, and spackling the one wall that it looks like the surface of the moon at this point from all the nails i have so incautiously whacked into it over the last year or so. i'm thinking robin's eggy blue for the walls might be fun, although i haven't completely ruled out a different colour for each wall (parental units, you are invited to withhold your disapproval for this idea, please). Also finish painting the trim outside the house.
2. cook every recipe in my new spanish cookbook (there aren't _that_ many, i don't think. big print and lots of pictures).
3. hire someone to prune my apple tree (this one has a deadline of february, i think), and hire someone to come and weed and mow regularly (yes, I know this one is overdue. i keep having delusions about being able to make myself do it. those delusions are almost dead. almost.)
4. exercise 30' a day six days a week. one hour of cycling or two hours of brisk walking may be substituted for the half hour jog.
5. fix the portraits that need fixing as best as possible, finish the master copy i'm currently working on, get myself up to an even thirty portraitsoffriendsandfamily, and do a master copy either of a vermeer or a john singer sargent (probly either madame x whom i love, in either her fully-strapped-in or in her racy-strap-falling-down state i haven't decided yet OR the daughters of edward darly whosit)
6. EITHER go to a multi-day tango workshop, if i can find one, OR rent a cello and take cello lessons, OR learn a schubert sonata all the way through
7. make two new friends (up to the friendship level of being able to ring them and say, hey, do you fancy coming to see a movie or something with me and having supper with them on my own)
8. find an adult literacy program to volunteer for
9. write 12 essays (about what, i have no idea. books? painting? past blog entries fair game if i can find any coherent enough) and get them as good as i possibly can to the point where i do not feel embarrassed about sending them to my friend Emily's agent to try and get published (Emily remains the only person who has read - or will ever read - my effort for National Novel Writing Month three? four? years ago, and was ludicrously encouraging, for which she is paying the price of being mentioned in my New Year's resolutions
10. either chuck, donate to Goodwill, or finish mending all the things in my clothes-needing-to-be-mended pile.

woohoo! we'll see how much i manage.

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