Sunday 11 September 2011

the latest battle in the war on fabric

The war on fabric is less well known than the War on Terror or the War on Drugs, but it's been going on way longer than either. The rules of engagement are as follows: I am not allowed to buy any more fabric unless a) it helps me get rid of fabric that is already in my stash and b) the total amount of fabric in the stash decreases with the project.
Last night two minor skirmishes were won: an old skirt of mama H.'s was converted into a Top Secret Birthday Present, and a piece of grey paisley cotton that has been languishing for literally years was turned into a dress for baby. Here is a picture of it when I finished it late last night, thinking, oh, she'll be able to wear this when she's two-ish:
sweet, no? and here's a picture of it when i tried it on her this morning, and it turns out she's nearly bursting out of it already. oh well.

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