Friday 7 October 2011

two recent catalanomalaprops I want to remember for always and always

because they are so delicious:
1. I recently borrowed an egg off M., the 80-year-old leather aficionado & downstairs neighbour whose orgasms register loud and clear through our wood floorboards; I thought it only polite, in exchange for the egg, to take a few minutes to admire his watercolour paintings, which he was arranging in preparation for his open studio weekend. One of the paintings was of an undulating wall set with brightly coloured fragments of tile, and a robin's-egg blue sky behind, and I said, "Ooh, now that must be Parc Guell in Barcelona, right?" He said, "well, it's certainly meant to be evocative of Gaudi and Barcelona, but it's not any specific building in particular; I mean, it's not La Familia Sangria, for example."
2. Intending, presumably, to refer to alveoli, the small sacs of air in the lungs what transmit oxygen to the blood stream, a patient told me recently that because he used to be a deep-sea diver he had "more allioli in his lungs that most people." Patatas bravas, anyone?

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