Saturday 22 October 2011

miniature horses

so i know there are more world-shattering things going on (Qadaffi's death, the Greek bailout, global warming, etc.) but this really needs to be brought to the world's attention:
miniature horses! as service animals! isn't that great? they put special shoes on their feets (as seen in the photo) so they can trot you around the shopping mall without trashing the floors, and apparently they can be house trained too.

and now for a completely freaky coincidence: roommate D. (who is among other things, mother of friend T.) was the one who was telling me yesterday about the miniature horses, and our conversation reminded me that I also wanted to look for images of pygmy goats and sheep, which I had read about a while ago as being used for weed control in vineyards (since they can't reach the grapes, they selectively eat the weeds and simultaneously fertilize...) and which are apparently also used for lawn care by organically trendy celebrities. On a blog called Tails of the City, I found a good photo of pygmy goats RIGHT next to a photo of a dog I recognized (!) - T's dog Lorna Doone - name confirmed by the photo caption, for anyone who might accuse me of delusional golden pitbull recognition. After a moment of total confusion in which I thought T. was leading a second life as a blogger in SF, I realized the blog was written by T's ex girlfriend and co-doggy-parent. Anyway, the point being: I know Google tries to make the search results relevant to the searcher, but that seems excessive....

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