Saturday 8 October 2011

short smelly men: a mystery I have no interest in solving

Why are the above ludicrously overrepresented in ballroom dancing classes? It is clearly their preferred venue for Meeting Women, which is weird, because it's not _working_; it if were working, they would be at home happily snogging their tiny smelly girlfriends, but instead, they keep coming to tango classes, where I want to learn how to tango dance. I don't expect my fellow beginner students to be good at dancing, particularly, or even coordinated or musical; we're beginners, that's the point, but it seems unfair that, in general, the women (with the exception of the scary sluttily-dressed anorexic Asian ladies in their forties who are a whole different ball of tango wax) are all very normal looking, and the men, in general, and when I say "general" I mean ALL OF THEM WTF, are all four foot tall and/or have hyperhidrosis and/or smell terrible and/or make peculiar snuffly noises as they try and steer you in to walls. I don't feel like I am being elitist (to use that favourite word of Republican politicians everywhere) in asking for a dance partner who is taller than me, showers regularly, and doesn't sound like Darth Vader with a headcold. Paying for private lessons just so I can dance with someone who meets the above criteria feels a bit like paying for sex with a dominatrix who can charge extra because she keeps track of and anticipates your particular fetishes, but you know what? I am at that point. I am not proud: I will pay for tango sex. (Although if you adhere to the theory that it takes ten thousand hours to get good at something, this is going to be one expensive project...).

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