Wednesday, 25 March 2020

Day 11: swabs up my nose & more Wagner

So, phone visits with patients all day, punctuated by an exciting ten minute visit to clinic in the middle of the day to get a Q-tip stuck deeper in my nose than I've ever had a Q-tip go before. I am still not sure whether I did the right thing requesting a test, given that I've had none of the classic symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath) and there are loads of people out there sicker than me, but since I was out in the world seeing patients this whole last week without realizing I was 'symptomatic' (insofar as -not- being able to smell counts as a symptom; as M. pointed out, it's not like I went blind and failed to notice it) and it does appear that anosmia is weirdly correlated with COVID19, perhaps it -is- the responsible thing to do... urgh. I don't know. But I am now officially a Person Under Investigation, which means that I am staying completely home for the next few days, which is what I was going to do anyway since madam is back with me for five days starting today and we have digital school to manage.

Trophy BF very gamely offered to watch the first bit of Das Rheingold with me in the evening, and we ended up watching THE WHOLE THING. I have never seen any of the Ring before, and boy, is it ever the silliest plot, even for a genre renowned for silly plots. But it was really fun to watch, and the singing was great (especially Freia and Loge, and except for one of the giants) and I really liked the crazy rotating plank contraption in the set, as well as the discofabulous lighting design, and I am kind of tempted to power through the rest of them over the next three days, just because apparently we're all going to be stuck at home not doing a lot of anything for the next however long, and why NOT spend Armageddon watching opera.

I am looking forward to la p'tite coming home. It will be nice to have human contact that I don't have to stay 6 feet away from. Also, we have dragons to paint.

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