Thursday 30 October 2008

last day in AC



this will be quick b/c the etchasketch is being extra slow tonight and i am knackered oh my goodness. so quite a late night last night after the spectacular dinner at the chateau, followed by an early morning this morning to get in my last run ever around the lake (see photos above) and get the flat cleaned and my stuff packed blah blah blah. i had hoped to give my painting a couple of days head start to dry before i had to transport it, but it was still completely wet, so rather than rolling it up with the other ones, i have jerryrigged a cardboard and duct tape creation that hopefully will keep big smears of cadmium yellow far away from the rest of my possessions and that i will be able to sneak past the various railway and airline officials tomorrow.

i am very proud that i am leaving a) having successfully consumed exactly the food i had in the fridge (except for the creme fraiche. i was foiled by that, and donated it to the public good) and b) with less stuff than i came with (the local red cross donation station is getting a very valuable collection of semi-paint stained t-shirts. there are some classic gems in there, too, the oldest being i think my Paraguay Community Sanitation 1995 navy blue number, which at this point is 50% paint stain and 49% hole and 1% t-shirt. that one i decided even the red cross didn't need).

class today was unexciting - i drew pictures of hands and feet in my notebook. no works of genius, i am sorry to report - and then after class M and i sponsored a pub evening, which was quite fun in a fragmented sort of way (children having accidents, L. wanting to play pool and noone else wanting to, french speakers separated from each other by miles of table) but all good. afterwards M., P., and the travelling zoo came over to help me eat the rest of my leftovers, as well as some blood sausage, pear cider, and crepes that they contributed, and they have just left (SO SAD to say goodbye to those little girlies; A. drew me a picture with "i love you" on it and i just about CRIED) . C. came over to say goodbye as well; i feel the most confident that i will stay in touch with her out of everyone, as she and i really kept each other sane i think and i have been very glad of her company the last few weeks.

okay, i would come up with some Deep Summing Up Thought for the end of my Studio E. time, but it is frankly too cold in my bedroom to have any part of me outside the covers, so i am going to say goodnight and leave it at that. wish me luck for a safe arrival tomorrow evening in deutschland...

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