Monday 20 October 2008

plotting my escape...

so after a lot of dithering, i booked myself a cheapo flight to germany next friday, and i will just miss the last week of class. it was going to be prohibitively expensive to get to amsterdam/prague/brussels to meet K halfway and then get back here, so i decided to just go to hamburg, stay at K's house, meet her husband of FIVE YEARS oh my god, and then back to paris to hang out with B before flying home. i feel a bit bad about cutting out early here, but i have been feeling so stuck the last couple of weeks, that i think it is time to bust a MOVE. yeah baby. i will do a brilliant two week painting of S-J and her bony rear-end reflected in a mirror and then je suis out of here.

in other exciting news, my mosquito bites are now officially horrendous. they are starting to ooze. now on day three of sleeping with my legs packed in ice. these are not regular mosquitoes, these are mosquitoes that mean bidness with a capital B. i am so done with them, i can't even beGIN to tell you.

another episode of so you think you can dance tonight; L. asked me during one of the ad breaks "how you fall in love" which led to sort of an interesting discussion; she is engaged to the only son of an apparently very traditional chinese family, 'very nice' per L's report, but she wanted to know how to fall in love with him, a topic that has all sorts of absolutely impossible cross-cultural landmines built into it. i don't know who is more qualified to answer the question, L who has at least somehow gotten herself engaged to one person, or me, who has failed to get engaged to several people :), but it was interesting in any case.

everyone is coming down with a cold here. i do not want to catch it, i do not. no no no. no colds for me.

hope everyone is happy and well.

1 comment:

daisy said...

re: "how to fall in love" -- wow. intense. i hope you poured yourself a big glass of wine and then had the discussion of a lifetime...