Thursday 2 October 2008

mmmm sleepy drunk slow network so this will be a quickie (also propped up in bed typing one handed). party tonight in honour of krystle's last day; lots of food and wine. so full. she had made little cards for all of us with pictures that she had drawn of each of us. very sweet. finished feet painting, will post tomorrow in thouars. ooh, just found out that fontevraud abbey, where eleanor of aquitaine (youthful obsession, for those not related to me) and henry 2 are buried, along with richard the lionheart and bad king john, is not 25 minutes from here by car. may have to go on a petit pilgrimage next weekend when pau comes to visit avec son rental car.

at the party tonight, miniM (cute 3 year old) was crawling around on all fours pretendingto be a cat; i asked her what her cat name was, and she said, (remember, age three, exclusively french speaking), "carole king." love it. long discussion with P (in french! okay, he was doing most of the talking, and i was just asking questions once every five minutes, but still! at least half a gold star for me) about quebecois history and politics, which was very interesting. apparently the anti-francophone sentiment was so entrenched in the earlier part of the twentieth century that the english translation exam required of francophone applicants to the civil service was titled 'intelligence test' (!)

Head Honcho said tonight at the party that this was the best group they had ever had, both in terms of artistic ability and lack of psychopaths. i asked for horror stories, and he said there was a lady last year who was actually clinically demented with some kind of terminal neurological degenerative condition, whose husband (we think) wrote a false application for her (sending a portfolio of work she had done when she was younger, before she got sick), and stuck her on the train to angers so that someone else would be stuck taking care of her while he went on holiday. unbelievable.

okay, beauty sleep time. hope all are well.

1 comment:

daisy said...

i've been to fontevraud! yes, the cloister is very peaceful and lovely and gorgeous and sweet and as far as i can remember (i'm amazed i remember this much :)) the frescoey paintings on the inside are lovely and depict scenes of someone orather being anointed the something of something or getting mauled by a lion or, yanno, something to that effect. they give you a tour and tell you all about eleanor and henry, who are boxes in a litle dark room, and you can go buy nice little trinkets and books in the gift shop after.

it's teeny-weeny, though -- the town itself is basically one corner with one pub and one restaurant. but be on the lookout for the wine cellars they dig into the cave walls on the drive back -- you can see some of them across from the campsites.

and give many many bisoux to pau for us!