oh my god uploading photos takes forevuh. alors, ici nous avons opus numero un (a gauche) and my bedroom plus studio (a droit) and that's about all i can stand to upload in the way of photos because it is tres, but i am talking, tres slow.
today we had a lecture on light in the morning - tim (drawing teacher) did the standard thing of look, here's a sphere, and if this is the direction the light is coming from, here is where the lightest bit will be, and then here is where the shadow will be, and here's where the reflected light will be, and you think, yuh, duh, right right right and then all of sudden there's a model up there who's got all sorts of bits and pieces that a sphere doesn't have and it doesn't seem quite so obvious ennymore.
i am in a semi-hallucinatory state right now because of the jetlag, which seems to be getting worse instead of better - i slept a grand total of 3.5 hours in the last 24 (fun!), and i am reading way more dick francis novels than anyone really should between 2 and 5 a.m. (a previous student appears to have been a fan, so the student bookshelf is full of them. he is a terrible writer. can i just say that?) i had a dream last night that i was pregnant and i tripped and fell over an electrical cord and tore my belly open and the baby and all my insides were falling out, and i couldn't figure out whether i would be better off just going to the doctor after class (are french doctors available after 5:30 p.m.? not sure...), waiting until the weekend and taking the bus into angers (an hour and a half on public transportation. could be messy), or just waiting until i got back to the u.s. (much easier to deal with the hassle of health insurance etc. if i see my regular doctor). apparently very trippy vivid dreams are a longstanding tradition here - turpentine fumes? culture shock? who knows. i also (sorry, this part is really not for the squeamish) was having trouble sleeping last night because i was convinced that i had a bug in my left ear - after two hours of thinking, no, it can't be, it's probably just some water stuck in the ear canal i couldn't stand it anymore, and at 3 in the morning i gave up and did what no otolarngologist would ever advise, and inserted something smaller than my elbow (in this case the non-business end of a number 6 raphael paintbrush) into my ear canal and squashed it around. no flattened bugs came out on the end of it, but then neither did any water, and the irritating clicking stopped after that so ??? it will forever be a mystery. i hope.
gazpacho with homemade croutons (there's rosemary growing in the garden here) and a glob of fromage frais for dinner. yum. and strawberries and a mini merengue for pud.
project for the evening: start a master copy of the portrait of anne boleyn what i bought a print of the other day for 10 cents, and sleep. i mean it this time. through the night.
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