Friday, 26 September 2008

more photos...

C and head honcho
le roi charles finis
M's drawing of me
ted seth jacobs trompe-l'oeil violin
at TSJ's house
tsj trompe-l'oueil nymphet
tsj painting
tsj stairway mural
more tsj stairway mural
tsj trompe-l'oueil fridge!


daisy said...

in no particular order:

omigosh everyone looks so supremely nice! i totally want a nymphet.

love the fridge -- all the food is so mummy!

the thread things on the tapestry are amazing.

did mummy ever show you the trompe d'oeuil murals that that artist does all over the sides of nasty plain buildings? if you haven't seen them you must nag her for the link; the dude is aboslutely amazing.

Hein Roehrig said...

I'm still eagerly waiting for a picture of the donkey :-)