holy crap i love your pencilly nude! she's fantastic! i'm really digging this slightly angular boxy style thing that somehow totally gives everything this punch. love it. totally lack words (or even thoughts) as to why it appeals to me, but it's great.
also har har i saw the [origial] dauphin painting and was like DAMN, woman, and then i realized it was the original. :)
i also love the red thing of toby you did -- i forget which you were moaning about, but i think it was the red one you were talking about. i prefer it to the pencilly one as it's got fuego, man, and i think it's very well done.
love the pics of the group, too -- mark is exactly as i'd pictured him from your description. ;)
omigod i have to fill out a captcha below and it looks nearly impossible. xeczyfdbj, maybe? ugh. we'll see how i do...
1 comment:
holy crap i love your pencilly nude! she's fantastic! i'm really digging this slightly angular boxy style thing that somehow totally gives everything this punch. love it. totally lack words (or even thoughts) as to why it appeals to me, but it's great.
also har har i saw the [origial] dauphin painting and was like DAMN, woman, and then i realized it was the original. :)
i also love the red thing of toby you did -- i forget which you were moaning about, but i think it was the red one you were talking about. i prefer it to the pencilly one as it's got fuego, man, and i think it's very well done.
love the pics of the group, too -- mark is exactly as i'd pictured him from your description. ;)
omigod i have to fill out a captcha below and it looks nearly impossible. xeczyfdbj, maybe? ugh. we'll see how i do...
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