two paintings in progress - i suspect they will continue to in progress for quite some time. i nearly painted an enormous black X through both today, i was so frustrated by the end of the day. blech. and yet, in a masochistic sort of way, it's fun. like going to the dentist and having teeth drilled, but the dentist is nice.
pub lunch for the second day in a row, this time with the whole group; the conversation was about alternative energy sources. we had everything from methane-fuelling everything (harness the power of raw sewage!) to squirrel-power (fully biodegradable work force!). i wonder if my six weeks of not driving anywhere has come anywhere close to offsetting the carbon footprint of the flight from SF to Paris. hm. doubt it. there was a cool segment on the pub TV about the new electric cars that are being pioneered in India, two passenger deals with one person in front and the other behind. they are very nifty-looking, but WHY oh WHY are plain old bicycles not getting promoted more??
okay i am going to go out and find a telephone to try and track down pau, who i think may be driving around in circles in the cow fields, because he has now taken three hours to do what should have been an hour and a half drive, and i am chewing my hand off with hunger...
love to all.
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