Wednesday, 22 October 2008

more than fifty blog entries!

that is kind of scary. one day they will get collected and published, no doubt, in the anthology of great american blogs of the twentyfirst century, but until then it seems like an embarrassingly large quantity of hot air.

lessee. drawring update: horrible portrait drawing of s.j. became a degree less horrible this morning; i have started a poster study with a view to transferring the drawing to canvas and spending next weeks' mornings doing a painting of her head. afternoon painting (velazquez mirror red drapery extravaganza) also (i think? dare to say?) TWO degrees less horrible than yesterday, although still fairly horrible. the light changed lot in the three days that i have been working on it, working from her head on down her torso, which means that her face is wintry pinks and blues, her neck and shoulders are disconcertingly yellowy orange, as if she had accidentally fallen asleep in the tanning bed at the salon, and her chest and belly are sort of grey umber, as if she had been trapped in the tanning bed and tragically died and wasn't found for a couple of days. hmmm. may have to do some tweaking of colours. also her right boob is pointing off at a very peculiar angle, sort of torpedolike, and i am not sure how to fix it. however i am sure that tomorrow will bring gloriously fresh new insights, flashes of artistic genius, etc.. that will solve EVERything. hunh.

exercise update: half hour run and forty five minute walk. might possibly be enough to work off the boeuf bourgignon and apricot charlotte of yesterday's lunch, except for we ate at the pub aGAIN today (see below)...

social activity update: pub lunch with M&C; we were going to be restrained and have a salad at C's house and then we saw the plat du jour was bunny cooked in beer, and C (i don't know what they do for fun in the midwest, i really don't) had never had rabbit, so we had to eat at the pub. i was ever so restrained, however, as i split my creme brulee with M rather than having a whole one to myself...very good. i have noticed that M never ever asks anyone about themselves (nice as she is) which slightly bothers me; J. had a theory that this was a european thing (hello J/ if you are reading this!). any thoughts from anyone with actual french people experience? i wonder if she thinks all my questions about her work and kids and what have you are horrifically american and vulgar (she looked pretty horrified when i offered to split a creme brulee with her, but she did agree in the end); but if that's the case, what do they talk about when there are no vulgar americans around to ask questions? if a french person has a conversation with a fallen tree in a forest, can anyone hear him/her? clearly the answer lies in learning to speak kick-arse french and then installing hidden microphones all over the country so i can listen in on conversations and figure out the mystery.

evening's entertainment: a bit more done on my adoration of the green madonna and the distorted, malnourished and oddly coloured baby jesus; cup of tea with gustavo; finished armistead maupin's maybe the moon, which i liked better than tales of the city; and revelled in the fact that i am down to only two really evil mosquito bites.
and now ees time for le bed.

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