Tuesday, 14 October 2008

joke of the day

man: doctor, my wife made me come today because she says i'm going mad.
doctor: why does she say that?
man: well, because i like sausages.
doctor: that's ridiculous. i like sausages as well
man: really? you must come round and see my collection; i have hundreds.

paintings are horrible horrible horrible, not to be discussed. morning pose now looks like a furious zombie with a bright purple knee; afternoon pose looks like michael jackson with a limb length discrepancy. it is all very disheartening. but i did a drawing of gustavo at portrait night tonight that i think makes him look quite dishy and rockstar-like, rather than his usual look of amiably stoned and zero sunlight exposure (not fair, he is actually a very nice-looking guy). i have decided that the clavicles are my least least favourite part of the body to try and draw.

M. is going to go to her daughters' school on friday to do a drawing demo for them and have all the kids try to draw portraits of each other, and L & I are going to go along as helpers, which i think should be a good time. i am also going to try and figure out a way to get to amsterdam (or somewhere in between) the weekend after that to meet up with K. - i wish it weren't quite such a pain in the arse to get anywhere from AC- just a weekend bus to angers would be AWFULLY helpful, for instance - but i will look at buses and flight times and taxis and see what i can figure out. M is considering renting a car to drive down to barcelona for three days next weekend (his family has just left for there, and he has now got the post-visitor blues as well). i would consider going with if i didn't have an inkling of how many million hours in the car that would be....

okay, must go for run before bed. insomnia last night -> didn't get up until 8:45 -> class all day plus portrait night tonight -> no time for run -> fully planning on eating last little piece of tarte au citron before going to sleep tonight: final conclusion = must go running. damn. the flow chart has spoken.

hope tout le monde is doing well...

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