this is going to be extra speedy b/c i am once again on L's computer (the etchasketch has been VERY uncooperative of late. not sure why) and she needs to go to bed soon.
news du jour: bloody freezing cold. farmer's market in a.m. i have a crush on the guy who sells nectarines, even though i can't understand a word he says. i had a nap in the afternoon because it was the only way i could stay warm. finished book (the cryptographer. weird. kind of good). went for walk, thwarted by hailstorm. (hail! wtf!). new model arrived today; wiry intense new yorker lesbian smoker performance artist. laundry. glass of wine in pub with C, turned into multiperson social event, fun. no run today because all running clothes in laundry, dryer occupied nonstop all day. couldn't face painting; i need to power through this master copy of the money changer and his wife but it is killing me. tarte au citron from patisserie very good. roast chicken from market for lunch from which i am going to make stock from chicken bones so can have soup this week. now one month into shopi boycott, going strong except for CRAP just realized i forgot to buy butter from market today. eek. will have to make do w/ olive oil for the next week. but did get some lovely homemade jasmine soap. time for bed! hope all are well, love jess
1 comment:
i LIKE your feet pic. Lovely!!
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